The Greater Delmar Chamber of Commerce is looking for its 2025 Citizen of the Year to honor. The citizen chosen is honored each year by the chamber in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the community of Delmar. The citizen of the year guidelines are:
– Must be a resident of the Delmar School District;
– Must have made a contribution for the improvement of the community;
– Must show commitment and contributions through local church, social, business, school, chamber or other community related projects; and
– Must be a role model reflecting strong character.
The Greater Delmar Chamber of Commerce has honored many Delmar citizens in the past. The following persons have been honored for their contributions: Ronnie Hastings, Doug Niblett, Bill Brittingham, Al Covington, Jay Green, Pete Pedersen, Dee McDonnell, Percy Elliott, Robert Handy, Shawn Brittingham, Mary Lee Pase, Harry (Bunky) Naugle, Ronald Wilkosz, David Hearn, Dr. Wayne Bastian, John McDonnell, Joyce Figgs, Donna Wilkosz, John Layton, Pam Schell, Marion Handy, Peggy Moore, Michael Houlihan, Susan Upole, Brenda Morris, Anna Humphreys, Russell Smart, David Burton, Sandy Davis, Sara Bynum King as well as our most recent recipient, Marilyn Searcey. Among the Delmar citizens honored who are now deceased have been: Mora Irene Culver, Jean Ellis, J. William Gordy, A. E. Hantwerker, Edward McClaine, Joseph Morris Sr., Dr. Ernest Larmore, Hattie Moore, Irvin Aydelotte, Charles Truitt, Melba Hastings, George Leong, Anthony Triglia, Linda Jones and Gary Humphreys.
This year, the chamber is continuing with the most convenient way to nominate an individual for this honor. Go to the website – Complete the nomination form with the nominator’s name and phone number. Indicate the nominee along with their address and why the nominee should receive the chamber’s award. All areas of the submission information should be completed. Once you have completed the form submit the form to the email address for consideration. The deadline for nominations is Friday, Feb. 14.
The Greater Delmar Chamber of Commerce is proud to honor a citizen of the community who gives to the community and devotes time and efforts to the betterment of our citizens. In addition to the Citizen of the Year recognition, the chamber sponsors Delmar’s Day in the Park and the Delmar Christmas Parade, in addition to sponsoring scholarships at Delmar High School to graduating seniors. If you are interested in becoming a member or volunteering for chamber events, please contact the chamber office at 302-846-3336.