CHEER, Inc. is happy to announce that on Thursday, June 17, it will resume Memory Café at the Greenwood CHEER Center from 1 -3 p.m. Sessions are for the elderly who are suffering with memory loss. Christie Shirey, CHEER’s Caregiver Resource Coordinator, will moderate the meetings assisted by Vickie (Higgins) Adkins.
Memory Café at Milton and Long Neck will begin shortly afterwards. Exact dates will be published. Georgetown and the Lewes Harbour Lights CHEER centers are on hold until these centers fully reopen.
Participants at the Memory Café are those experiencing mild memory loss, cognitive impairment or early stage dementia, and their caregivers (family or friends). Participants are not asked their diagnosis but are encouraged to discuss things that bring joy into their life and things that stimulate brain activity from memories of their life. They are encouraged to socialize and have fun. Memory Café at CHEER activity centers is not a drop-off day program, is not a structured support group, and does not provide medical services.
For more information, call your local CHEER center or the agency office at 302-515-3040.