Shirley Ann Marks passed away peacefully in her home on March 20. Born in 1931, our beautiful mother was a successful hard worker. She worked until she was 89. She was a bank teller for many years in Massachusetts. Upon moving to Delaware with the entire family in 1974 she waitressed until she found her perfect job as a director for the Nanticoke Day Center in Seaford. They closed the doors in 1991.
After losing her beloved husband, Timothy Marks, she sold her homestead and moved to Lewes. She was hired in accounting in a home park. She then became a hostess at Mourning’s in Lewes until COVID hit.
She was fun loving, a nurturing mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She was quick to get on the dance floor to line dance. She was a homemaker, thrift shopper, artist (oil painted several scenes on canvas), pianist and loved puzzles and solitaire.
She will be truly missed by her one son (Scott), two daughters (Linda and Lisa), three grandchildren (James, Carl, Jr. and Katlyn) and seven great-grandchildren. Forever out of pain and she reached the hands of God in heaven.