Open Mic Christian Night will take place on Friday, July 8 from 7-9 p.m. It will include a very special night of Gospel music, comedy and always special old time Gospel music. Come join the group at Delmar Christian Center, located at 107 East State Street in Delmar, Del.
Dean Adkins emcees along with Connie and Allen. There will be fun and surprises including prize giveaways. New special singers have been contacted. Do you want to sing? Then stop by and sing. You never know who’s going to join us.
Special notice for all singers, you must be registered to sing by 6:30 p.m. After that time there is no guarantee that you can be scheduled. Depending on the number of singers only one or two songs are guaranteed per performer.
Admission is free and snacks and beverages are always free. You’re more than welcome to bring a special snack to share with the group.
The group will sing and entertain for about 45 minutes, take a snack break and return for more singing. A love offering will be taken. Come enjoy a night of uplifting praise music and friendship at our large location with Pastor Douglas McAllister and family.
There is plenty of parking in lot beside church on corner or side streets. Doors open 6 p.m. For more info call or text Dean at 302-430-4613.