By Mike McClure

The Laurel varsity boys’ soccer team is looking to create a family bond, led by its veteran leadership and new head coach Blaire Osborne.

Osborne coached at his alma mater, Parkside for seven years including four years as head coach. Osborne, who also played soccer for the Rams, got a job at Laurel High School and became involved with the Bulldogs’ soccer program.

New Laurel varsity boys’ soccer head coach Blair Osborne looks over a recent practice. Osborne coached the Parkside team prior to coming to Laurel. Photo by Mike McClure

“Now I’m looking forward to a new challenge and building this program up,” said Osborne. “The kids have been great so far. You can tell they love soccer. You can’t get them off the field at the end of the day.”

Returning from last year’s team, which went 2-9-1 in the conference and 5-9-1 overall, are seniors Macario Perez Soriano (Def.), Fredy Casasola Cardona (Def.), Juan Mazariegos Deleon (Mid), Elias Elzey (Fwd.), Kenny Bartolon Garrill (Def.), and Yunior Ramirez Perez (Def.) and juniors Bryan Gonzalez Rivera (Def.) and Merbin Matias Berduo (Fwd.).

Osborne is looking for those players to provide veteran leadership and set an example for the younger players.

Among the team’s newcomers are junior San Haendell Thosiac (Mid) and sophomore Alex Perez.