On Saturday, Oct. 1 (rain date, Monday, Oct. 3) the Seaford Swimming Association will be hosting its fourth annual golf tournament (scramble format) at Hooper’s Landing Golf Course, located at 1019 W. Locust Street in Seaford.

This will be a capital fundraiser for the pool, which was established in 1956 and after 66 years of operation, has become an historic landmark on Craig’s Mill Road in Seaford.

Mail in registration by check will be accepted for golf foursomes no later than Sept. 26 to avoid social contact with money or checks changing hands onsite.

Any new business, lunch, or hole sponsors must have completed paperwork and money mailed and received by Thursday, Sept. 22 to ensure enough time to have signs printed.

A single golfer cost is $95, which includes the green’s fee with cart; three mulligans; a 50/50 raffle, door prize ticket and a mystery putting contest entry and continental breakfast.

Business sponsor costs range from $70 for a hole sponsor sign, $135 for a lunch sponsor and three signs, to $475, which includes a foursome, golf carts, three hole signs,  three mulligans, 50/50 raffle ticket, entry into the  putting contest, and “goodie bags,” for each golfer. 

Prizes include: top three teams low gross, straightest drive (men and women), closest to the pin (men and women), and the mystery putting contest. Each golfer will also receive a “goodie bag,” at sign-in, which will include: a bottle of water, candy, crackers, a prize drawing tickets for the 50/50 raffle and other prize giveaways.

With age, comes the need for ongoing upgrades, in plumbing, lighting, pump and bathhouse facilities. The SSA pool supports the Dolphins swim team, swim lessons, including lessons for members and non-members (for a nominal fee), special needs fun days for children, and the use of our facility for the Boys Scouts Swimming Test and Merit Badge requirements.

SSA asks for your support as a golfer, business, lunch, or hole sponsor to cap off our non-profit need for assistance, since it is not subsidized by the city of Seaford or any national organization or donor.  

This is SSA’s largest fundraiser to close out the 2022 summer season and in accordance with state/federal law, all sponsors costs, along with donated prizes are tax deductible. SSA’s registration information includes a Federal tax-ID number.

To become a business sponsor, donate a prize and/or play in a foursome contact: Gene Bleile, 302-629-8978, re******@ya***.com; SSA President, Mike Cotten, ms********@ao*.com, 302-381-3622 or Hooper’s Landing Pro Mike Connor at  629-2890. 

You can also visit our website www.swimssa.com to download the tournament paperwork.