By Ali Nicole

Montessori Education—developed by physician Maria Montessori—has been around for more than 100 years and has stood the test of time as it increases in availability in classrooms, toy development and, for Wicomico residents, the local library. The child-led learning method was investigated and vetted by Youth Services Assistant for the Wicomico Public Library Jessica Zajcevski before being implemented into mini-Montessori events since the latter half of 2023. These events are now occurring regularly to provide educational opportunities to children between the ages of 2 and 6. 

The mini-Montessori classrooms the library provides have been held twice a month since late 2023. For the month of March, the two days these events will be held are March 10 and 24 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. At these events, caregivers and children will have the opportunity to test out the Montessori education model via child-led learning activities. 

Zajcevski explains, “Children are prompted to take the lead, selecting activities that interest them and interacting with them as desired.” Each station is developed to follow the educational model that promotes freedom in learning skills while also being entertained. Because these activities are self-paced, each experience is unique to the child.