Homeownership has been part of the American experience since the very first breath of the Republic. When Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence, he wrote, “all men are created equal … with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Owning your own home not only contributes to your happiness, but has a significant impact on net worth, educational achievement, civic participation, health and overall quality of life. Chrissy Steele, 2023 president of the Delaware Association of Realtors (DAR), noted, “The real estate industry is vital to the national economy. Every home sale and commercial real estate transaction generates direct economic activity and helps create jobs – lots of them – right here at home. For every two homes sold, one job is created in the United States. Each home purchase generates on average $60,000 in economic activity.”
Steele continued, “Realtors are defenders of private property rights and ambassadors for diversity, equity and inclusion in homeownership. Whether we are giving keys to a first-time homebuyer, helping empty nesters downsize, volunteering within our communities, or lobbying at Legislative Hall, we do it with purpose.”
DAR is a leader in the state’s efforts to safeguard Delaware private property rights, and provides essential resources to advance the role of Realtors in the community. DAR, as the voice of real estate in Delaware, is proactive in government affairs at the local, state and federal levels and supports the work of state’s local associations: Sussex County Association of Realtors, Kent County Association of Realtors and New Castle County Board of Realtors. DAR always seeks to protect an individual’s right to own, use and transfer property.
Steele said, “Being a Delaware Realtor means we are proud members of the National Association of Realtors – the largest trade association in our country – and we subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics.”
NAR ensures that its membership is able to practice real estate brokerage without the burden of unfair and counter-productive government regulations.
For the sellers of real property, a Realtor does the following:
• Accesses current market information, prices, financing, terms and conditions of competing properties.
• Ensures your property is marketed to other real estate agents and the public.
• Knows when, where, and how to best market your property.
• Works with you to objectively evaluate every buyer’s proposal without compromising your marketing position.
For buyers of real estate, a Realtor:
• Accesses multiple resources to assist in your search for the right home.
• Provides objective information about each property.
• Works with you to determine your buying power.
• Guides you during the property evaluation.
• Stands with you through the closing process to ensure a smooth transaction.
For more information, contact DAR at 302-734-4444, or visit online at www.delawarerealtor.com.