Wheatley Church is hosting an old-fashioned picnic on Sunday, Sept. 4 to express appreciation to the many communities that have supported the Historic Wheatley Church Preservation Project through prayer, fundraiser support and monetary donations. Beginning at 4 p.m. there will be tours of the church, as well as a picnic in the shaded grove. The highlight of the event will be music provided by the Jones Boys beginning at 5 p.m. The event will be held in the Wheatley Community House if inclement weather dictates.
Bring a lawn chair, visit the historic church (circa 1784) that has been under preservation activities more than three years. Then come to the grove and enjoy a hot dog, hamburger, soda, water, hand held goodie, ice cream and good country and gospel music.
Wheatley Church is located at intersection of MD Rt. 313 and Wheatley Church Road outside Galestown, Md (two miles north of Sharptown and two miles south of Eldorado). Feel free to call 302-536-7796 for additionally desired information.