Mount Olivet United Methodist Church will begin a new series of sermons on the harvest starting this month. In earliest history, and in scripture, the harvest is the critical center of human life. In scripture, the harvest sets the rhythm of life. It determines the calendar, and the schedule of festivals, and the offerings that the people share with each other and return to God. From the earliest offerings, through the Psalms and Proverbs, the words of the prophets, to Jesus’ own teaching, many stories and teachings, and parables, and sayings begin in the experience of the harvest. This theme will connect our worship through the fall. Recognizing, celebrating, and sharing God’s gifts is a fruitful way of life.
The church’s adult Sunday School classes will also lead worship on Sundays in October and November. It will observe All Saints Sunday on Oct. 31. Join us for Sunday School for all ages at 9 a.m. which is followed by the worship service at 10 a.m.