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The regular meeting of the First State Antique Tractor Club will be held on March 16 at 7 p.m., at the Greenwood VFW, at the corner of Governors Ave. and Mill St., Greenwood, DE. The club is now planning for its 2021 annual show, which will take place at the Laurel Farmers Auction Market the last weekend of June, and addressing upcoming club business. Scholarship applications are due mid-April and are available on our website: www.firststateantiquetractorclub.com.

Please note, the club will be practicing CDC guidelines at this meeting. Those planning to attend are asked to come with their face masks and keep the safe six feet apart. Light refreshments will be served. The club is always looking for new members. Contact Maralene Givens at 302-228-2674 or


for more information.