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Bridgeville Rifle and Pistol Club and BKK Firearms/BKK Defensive Systems will host a free and open to the public full day of family fun on Saturday, Aug. 29 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at Bridgeville Rifle and Pistol Club, 10409 Rifle Range Rd in Bridgeville. 

The event is open to everyone: no experience, beginners, experienced: all are welcome. There will be five bays of shooting fun for kids, teens, and adults including airguns (come try a full auto BB gun), .22 LR, Rimfire guns, PC Carbines, AR 15’s, and pistols. Even if you’ve never shot a firearm before or don’t own one, firearms will be on hand for you to try and there will be experienced instructors and range safety officers to help everyone and instruct them in all safety aspects of shooting skills and fun. Ammo will be provided. If you bring your own gun, you must provide your own ammo.

Vendors will be on hand displaying firearms, steel targets and more. Organizations such as USCCA, NRA NSSF, DSSA, etc. and shooting disciplines such as IDPA, USPSA, Well Armed Women, Cowboys, IBS Benchrest, F Class/High Power etc, will be on hand to answer questions and help. IDPA and USPSA will also do live fire demos and instruction throughout the day alternating every half hour, between 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Come meet and greet local Dignitaries (senators, house representatives, mayors and candidates for 2020 elections) as they join in the shooting fun and try out the different firearms on many of the steel targets.

There will be giveaways and drawings for many door prizes that have been donated for this event. The club will also be auctioning off a New Glock 19 and an NRA Car Tag around 2 p.m. There will be food trucks (Vanderwendes’ Ice Cream, Mojo’s to Go, and Top Five Bar B Que) on hand. Volunteers for this event are welcome and needed, and will receive a special gift.

Here’s a chance to get outside and bring your family and friends to experience the fun, safety and camaraderie of the shooting sports. Foam ear protection will be available. Masks are optional, but recommended (there will be masks on hand). Sanitizer, etc. will be at each shooting table and all firearms will be sanitized after each use.

For more information or to volunteer, please contact Bridgeville Rifle and Pistol Club or Bruce Smith, Bridgeville “Family Day at the Range” Director: 443-366-6277 or email:


. NSSF’s research shows that 50 million Americans participate in target shooting and that millions more are interested in trying target shooting.