Eastern Shore Threshermen to hold 60th annual show
August 7, 2020 - August 9, 2020
The Eastern Shore Threshermen and Collectors Assoc., Inc. will be holding
its 60th annual Wheat Threshing, Steam & Gas Engine Show on Aug. 7-9 at their showgrounds located on Rt. 313 between- Denton and Federalsburg. The show features free admission and free parking and opens at 10 a.m. each day.
In 1961 Jim Layton took his newly restored Frick traction engine out in the field by the road and threshed a little wheat. A few neighbors, as well as some passers-by, stopped to help and watch. The next year, neighbors urged him to do it again. They wanted to help relive their past again and others, who had missed the previous threshing, wanted to see it too. It didn’t take much to convince him to do it again.
From that one afternoon with one steam engine and one thresher, the show began to grow with other people bringing tractors, gas engines and other farm equipment. Through the years, people have attended the show from all over the U.S. and many foreign countries.
For more information call 410-754- 8422, 410-673-2414 or visit us on Facebook. GPS address: 5806 Federalsburg Hwy., Federalsburg, MD.
Organizers of the show would like to remind people to please follow the CDC COVID-19 guidelines, social distance and not bunch up in groups. Please wash your hands and use hand sanitizers often. Also please consider visiting at “off-peak” times, perhaps on Friday and Sunday when the crowd is usually smaller. If you are feeling sick, have a fever or a compromised immune system, please stay home and take care of yourself.