At the Museum: My Brother’s Trains
January 2, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The Seaford Museum will again this year feature a wonderful Webb Room Exhibit of Holiday Trains. This year’s train exhibit will have a beautiful Department 56 display of well over 100 buildings in their Dickens Village, the Northeast, North Pole, Charlie Brown and the Mickey Mouse collections. It is a lovely exhibit – perfect for adults and children. This exhibit will also feature a number of moving pieces. It is truly a perfect way to catch the Christmas spirit especially for the young people in your family. Come visit the Seaford Museum’s Train Show through Saturday, Jan. 16. The museum, on High Street, is open from one to four p.m., on only Friday and Saturday this year. Appointments to visit The Train Show on other days may be made by calling the museum at 628-9828, Tuesday through Friday. Masks must be worn by all attending.