By Mike McClure

The Delmar Fire Department held its 103rd Annual Awards Banquet last Saturday. Members of the department and the ladies auxiliary were recognized with service awards following the dinner.

Wicomico County Executive Julie Giordano opened the ceremony by presenting a Heartsaver Award to the fire company. Giordano’s husband suffered a massive heart attack and cardiac arrest. The Delmar Fire Department was on the road back from a hospital call and was there within seven minutes.

Joyce Figgs is honored for 65 years of service with the Delmar Ladies Auxiliary. Also shown, left, is Paul Hastings, who was recognized for 55 years of service with the fire company. Photo by Mike McClure

“I don’t think my husband would be here if it wasn’t for the Delmar Fire Department. They didn’t just save him but they saved my family,” said Giordano.

The following service awards were presented: Fire company- Five years- Ryan Watson, Brian Morris, and Noah Jackson; 15 years- Krista Kelly-Hearn, Jeremy Smith, Chris Walls; 20 years- Olen White; 35 years- Shawn Johnson; 45 years- Grover Adkins; 55 years- Paul Hastings

Ladies Auxiliary- 10 years- Lisa White; 15 years- Rosamae Smith-Frazier, Lisa Smith, Sandy Sparrow; 45 years- Becky Kambarn; 60 years- Barbara Triglia; 65 years- Joyce Figgs

The Delmar Ladies Auxiliary is celebrating its 85th year in 2025.

The Delmar Firefighter of the Year Award was presented to Carol Nicholson and the Rookie of the Year Award went to Cody West.