Using light to destroy coronavirus may work
I received a call from a reader asking me about using ultraviolet light to cleanse COVID-19 from surfaces. The following day President Trump [...]
I received a call from a reader asking me about using ultraviolet light to cleanse COVID-19 from surfaces. The following day President Trump [...]
Often we think with our emotions and not with logic. It is the classic Mr. Spock vs Dr. McCoy approach to things. People [...]
Continue to practice social distancing, but not social disgracing Many Biblical stories relate to the medical condition leprosy. People did not know what [...]
Hydroxychloroquine has side effects for those who have underlying medical conditions People are wondering when the COVID-19 spread will stop. They are [...]
Sometimes we forget what things used to be like. For example individuals who are now 24 years of age or younger have grown [...]
One of the nice things about science is that data means everything. That is true as we continue with the COVID-19 pandemic. For [...]
We often do not realize how our psychological expectations fuel our behaviors. This is often referred to as a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is [...]
I encourage you not to give up your exercise routine. Needless to say it’s been a very different last couple of weeks in our world. [...]
As COVID-19 continued to spread across the world, it quickly became evident that the public would have to take drastic measures to slow the transmission. [...]
Peninsula Regional Health System, including Peninsula Regional Medical Center and Nanticoke Memorial Hospital, will begin canceling elective, non-emergency surgeries on Monday, March 23, as a [...]