Seeing is believing. Visuals are more important in today’s business world than ever. Highly effective visual imagery promotes businesses, making them more relevant in our viral marketplace. Websites, cellphones, social media apps and online advertisements all need memorable images to convey a message to your intended audience. 

It’s about first impressions. The photos you choose should reflect the quality of your brand. Quality photography will help establish your brand as top-drawer and tell your customers and clients that you care about excellence and engagement.   

Here are five tips to help you tell your story with good visual content.

  1. Know your audience. Knowing your audience and what it likes to see, read and share is crucial. You have to give your audience what it wants. For example, if your intended audience likes to watch live streaming video broadcasts on Twitter and you’re only sharing press releases, you’ll have to readjust your marketing strategy and create content specifically aimed at your audience.
  2. Use real photos. Stock art looks like stock art. Be original to increase your level of shares and engagement with photos from your organization. Authentic photography attracts attention. It’s important to keep photos on your website and social media sites updated with fresh vibrant images of the highest possible quality.  
  3. Change your content by using video. Customers and clients surfing the internet today respond well to short informative videos. Videos are engaging, transparent and, most of all, they show the human side of what you do. Don’t be intimated by creating videos: You can use your smartphone to capture video on the go these days.
  4. Be clever with your visual storytelling. We all appreciate something clever that makes us laugh. Remember: Photography = Emotion. Appealing humorous photography drives responses. Humorous images and content can entertain your audience as you provide information. If people are entertained, they’re likely to return. Clever humor also suggests intelligence, which helps strengthen your brand as one of quality. Just ensure your humor is appropriate.
  5. Combine data and images to make infographics. Today’s customers and clients are busy and don’t always take the time to read text. But they will look at your images and infographics. 

People love colorful lists, charts and graphs. When you have statistics from original research combined with compelling photos, you can even attract the attention of the media.  

Effective visual storytelling captures attention. Make sure your stories have interesting visuals such as quality photos, engaging videos and colorful infographics. If you see something, you’re more likely to believe it. If your audience sees quality visuals, it’s more likely to believe in you.

Need help with visuals and brand storytelling? We’ll lead the way. Learn more at